Why are Google messaging apps so un-secure?

The short answer:

  • Constant strategy change

  • Competing product launches

  • Internal Sabotage

The long answer:

According to an ArsTechnica article explaining the history of the mess that is the security of google messaging applications, “...constant strategy changes, competing product launches, and internal sabotage. You can’t say Google has a dominant or even stable instant messaging platform today.” Author Ron Amadeo further explains that “A lack of any kind of top-down messaging leadership at Google has led to a decade and a half of messaging purgatory, with Google both unable to leave the space altogether and unable to commit to a single product.” While other companies poured millions into organizational and direct efforts towards their messaging platforms, Google has been consistently underfunded led by job-hopping project managers. For the full history of Google’s failings and inspiration of what not to do during a product launch please see the aforementioned article.


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