Company History
Mi-Token was originally developed in 2005 by cryptographic and bank security specialists, designed specifically for two-factor authentication within the banking industry. The product was originally designed to provide a simplified user experience, while leveraging banking grade security.
Since 2009, Mi-Token has established itself as a leading independent enterprise security solution and currently has customers across the globe, including leading banks, governments and corporate enterprises. The solution has evolved from a banking and VPN centric product to a comprehensive SSO solution, which is SAML compliant and ADFS friendly.
Based in the US and Australia, Mi-Token is focused on creating innovative solutions that deliver world’s-best multi-factor authentication security.
Try Mi-Token
Download your free 90 day trial license today.
Mi-Token Key Features
Token Independence
We are totally Token independent which means Mi-Token can integrate with a broad range of hard-tokens.
Soft Tokens
Mi-Token provides soft-tokens for every user free, including iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Mobile, SMS and more.
Highly Scalable
No matter what your size. SSL VPNs, Web Email, Custom Apps – whatever your need, we’ve got it covered!
Easy Management
Mi-Token offers simple token management, integrated with Windows Active Directory.
Why Choose Mi-Token?
In an increasingly connected world, organizations need authentication to validate a person’s identity and secure our value resources.
You’re password just doesn’t ‘cut it’ any more.
With unparalleled features and flexibility, Mi-Token delivers multi-factor authentication that’s secure, flexible and cost-effective.
Want to learn more about Mi-Token?
Mi-Token’s Advantages Include:
Robust & Reliable Authentication Security
Using world’s best security, designed for the banking sector, Mi-Token delivers ‘proof of identity’ you can trust. Also, the close integration with MS Windows provides additional security features without additional overheads.
Lower Support, Capital & Operational Costs
Save up to 50 per cent on your authentication budget through Mi-Token’s innovative cost savings and per-User licensing – Mi-Token does not charge for the number of Token you have or the Features you activate, just the number of Users. Your license includes all the additional features, functionality and ongoing support of the Mi-Token product – eg. Soft Token, Windows login, Credential Provider, ADFS integration, OWA Support, API Integration, Single Sign-On (SSO), SAML. There are no additional licensing fees. Licensing does not depend on the number of servers used, the token count or the volume of authentication requests. Hard tokens are provided at an additional cost.
Flexible Authentication Methods via Hard & Soft Tokens
With choice and flexibility of authentication method, Mi-Token end-users are never without an authentication option. You can opt for free Soft Tokens or purchase additional hard tokens. The choice is yours.
Complete Token Independence
Avoid vendor and token technology lock-in by using the hard token system you want.Hard tokens can be integrated into Mi-Token. Yubikeys can leverage auto-registration (into AD), while our soft token self-assignment will ease the administrative burden of large deployments. Any OATH compliant hard token can be integrated with Mi-Token.